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PHOTOS: Damen unveils design of new multi-purpose support ship – February 27, 2024, by Fatima Bahtić Damen Shipyards Group has unveiled a new ship design based on modern defence and security requirements, the Multi-Purpose Support Ship (MPSS).


The MPSS 7000 is 107 x 20 metres. It is foreseen that it will be operated by a crew of 48 personnel, with additional facilities for up to 100 special personnel and extra, temporary, accommodation for 42 persons, for example in the event of a disaster relief operation. The MPSS 9000 is 130x 20 meters and is able to conduct even more operations.

The MPSS has been co-developed with the Portuguese Navy. It is a solution for the increasing use of drone technology in combat and surveillance. In addition to its primary function, the MPSS is designed to fulfil a wide range of additional tasks, including auxiliary roles.


While the electrical, communication and navigation equipment installed on the MPSS will be military class equipment, the vessel will also use commercial off the shelf technology. This includes, for example, the mission specific equipment modules, by which the vessel achieves its multi-functional capability.

In this way, when not required to perform its primary function, the MPSS can be applied to a wide range of duties including managing drones (air, sea, and sub-sea), conducting amphibious support, emergency/disaster relief, search & rescue, diving support, performing submarine rescue operations and helicopter operations.


“The MPSS range is a response to the increasing use of drone technology that we see in modern combat and surveillance situations. We could see that such capabilities would be of growing importance for countries looking to sustain their sovereignty,” Piet van Rooij, Commercial Manager of Damen’s Defence and Security department, said.

“At the same time, this is a multi-purpose vessel that can be applied to wide range of additional operations…This theme is further developed using commercial off the shelf technology, which ensure the cost-effective construction of a reliable platform. We’re very much looking forward to showcasing this new vessel, including at exhibitions, in the coming months.

Damen has begun construction of the first vessel of this new design.

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via IFTTT February 29, 2024 at 11:37AM See all posts in full – click here 

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